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This photo gallery is based on Piwigo.
Piwigo is a photo gallery software for the web, built by an active community of users and developers. Extensions make Piwigo easily customizable. Icing on the cake, Piwigo is free and opensource.
HdFPhoto SIRET 82847509500026 - Bruno Ericourt - 12 route du Plessis - 17610 Chaniers - ericourt@ericourt.fr - Les formats 10*15, 20*15 sont en tirage thermique avec imprimante et papier photo Fuji. Les autres formats sont en jet d'encre Canon sur papier photo Canon
This photo gallery is based on Piwigo.
Piwigo is a photo gallery software for the web, built by an active community of users and developers. Extensions make Piwigo easily customizable. Icing on the cake, Piwigo is free and opensource.